It all started when... I know, that's a cliche way to start anything. But to be honest I can't really give you any insight to when the idea for Oar Else started. I grew up in New Jersey and enjoyed the beach, hiking in the mountains, and snow skiing. Growing up I played soccer and ran track. Frankly I knew nothing about rowing and my parents turned it off when that came on the TV during the Olympics. So I do not have a high school or college pedigree in rowing. And being from the east, that seems to be a big handicap. Or is it?
Rowing is for EVERYONE! It is a non impact sport (well, if you've crashed a boat or caught a bad crab you can argue that point with me). It is also a sport that involves dedication, training, and team work if you want to be competitive. But it can also be a leisure sport for maintaining a healthy body and cardio vascular system. Does it favor tall, strong men and women for the highest competitive ranks? Yes! But even then one of the most critical team members needs to weight under 120 pounds and be as small as possible. Yes, it is for everyone! And this site hopes to help each of you, competitive or leisure rower find greater joy and maybe learn or share things about your passion and what makes this your sport!